Love art? Join us!
As a Full Member or Associate Member of West Sussex Art Society, you would be very welcome at monthly meetings for presentations by locally, nationally and internationally renowned artists and art historians. We would also encourage you to participate in our occasional practical art sessions.
You don't have to be an artist to join us, Associate Membership is open to all and is automatic on application.
Full membership of the Society is by selection. See the process outlined below and download the forms to read more details. As a Full Member, we would invite you to participate in our annual exhibition. You would also be encouraged to join our website gallery.
General Principles
We use the same process for all applicants, irrespective of how they found out about WSAS (existing member recommendation, internet etc). The process should not be onerous for applicants and a decision should be reached within a month of receiving a full application. The membership is for 1 year initially, with renewal following mutual assessment.
The full application process is detailed below and is available to all on our website.
Every application will be considered on its own merits. We are a fully inclusive club with no restrictions by reason of race, religion, gender, age, employment, disability or sexual orientation.
Application Process
A potential applicant may contact us via our website, Facebook page or approach any member of WSAS with a request to join.
The applicant should complete an application form and indicate whether they are interested in full membership or associate membership.
The full application document will be circulated to the WSAS committee. Applicants can decide whether they would like to process their application digitally or in person. If in person, a meeting will be arranged after a WSAS meeting where at least 5 members of WSAS’s selection committee will be present.
The selection committee will decide the outcome of the application – they may request an in-person meeting for digital submissions if they feel more information is needed. If the applicant is rejected, then he/she will be given the reasons.
Membership will be for an initial 1 year period for mutual assessment.
The applicant will be informed of our decision as soon as it is agreed.
The secretary will update the WSAS mailing list and request payment of the annual subscription (pro rata) to the treasurer.
About the Committee
West Sussex Art Society is run by a group of volunteer artists within the society, who form the committee.
Mike Hoddy
Ann Dieckmann
Membership Enquiries:
Alysha Roake
Carole Morris
Co Programme Secretaries:
David King
Julie Batty
Committee Members:
Maggie Tredwell
Wendy Palmer